DIG-CON Online Workshop: Progress and training preparations in focus
Another online workshop took place today as part of the Erasmus+ project DIG-CON (Efficient construction using digital technologies in the construction and finishing trade), which runs from March 2022 to February 2025. During the event, the partner consortium exchanged information on the current project status, best practices and the upcoming milestones.
A particular focus was on evaluating progress in the development of four training courses created as part of the project. In addition, the next steps for the ‘Train the Trainer’ seminar were discussed, which will be central to the successful dissemination of knowledge to professionals in the construction industry.
The meeting provided valuable insights into the project results and helped to sharpen the common strategy for the coming months. A big thank you goes to our committed project partners for the excellent cooperation – together we will continue the project’s successful path.

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