Workshop at the annual assembly of the Hanse-Parlament 2023 in Budapest and 2024 in Riga
As part of the Erasmus+ project DIG-CON (Efficient Construction through Digital Technologies in the Construction and Finishing Trades), significant workshops were held in Budapest and Riga, promoting the exchange of best practices and innovative approaches in the construction industry.
In Budapest, we successfully implemented our train-the-trainer programme. Participants experienced an inspiring agenda that included best practice presentations, discussions on online pedagogy, new qualifications and expert talks. All of this revolved around the central topics of efficient construction using digital technologies in the construction and finishing trades. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all partners who actively participated both on-site and online.
The General Assembly in Riga was another highlight. The progress of the project and the experiences from Budapest were discussed in detail. The participants shared their insights into digital technologies and their application in the construction industry. The event in Riga helped to deepen cooperation and knowledge sharing among the partners and to set new impulses for future steps.
Together, we are committed to further advancing digitalisation and efficiency in the construction industry and look forward to the next steps in this important project.

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