Result 4: Training programme on cooperation through digitalisation
The Training programme on cooperation through digitalisation aims to promote cooperation in the construction industry by using digital technologies. Currently, around 25% of construction costs are spent on coordination work, which can be greatly reduced by digital tools. In particular, countries such as Germany, Latvia, Poland and Hungary have some catching up to do in the use of cooperation models, while other countries such as Finland, Denmark or the Netherlands are more advanced in this area.
The educational programme includes concepts, curricula, teaching materials and an examination regulation based on the EU action plan for digital education and the DIG COMP framework. The target group is architects, engineers and managers of SMEs in the construction and finishing trades, who will receive comprehensive training in the use of digital technologies and in the implementation of collaborations. Three teaching blocks are planned, supplemented by practical learning and reflection phases supported by coaching processes. After completing the training, participants receive a recognised certificate that is also valid internationally.
The innovative programme increases efficiency and quality in construction projects and is fully transferable. It is used by training institutions and has been tested in the project countries of Germany and Hungary. Based on the evaluation results, the programme will be revised and implemented in other educational institutions.

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