Result 6: Digital entrepreneurship education
The digital entrepreneur education in the construction and finishing trade aims to replace the generation of entrepreneurs, which is heavily skewed towards older people, with innovative digital training. The lack of successor entrepreneurs means that more jobs are lost due to failed company takeovers than are created by new start-ups.
The programme includes a concept, curricula, teaching materials and an examination regulation that corresponds to the EU action plan for digital education and the European digital competence framework (DIG COMP). The modules cover levels 5 to 8 of DIG COMP and integrate digital technologies, cooperation management and best practices from the construction industry.
The programme includes a concept, curricula, teaching materials and an examination regulation that corresponds to the EU action plan for digital education and the European digital competence framework (DIG COMP). The modules cover levels 5 to 8 of DIG COMP and integrate digital technologies, cooperation management and best practices from the construction industry.
The training will be implemented as an elective and compulsory module in existing master, technician and bachelor programmes. The target groups are master apprentices, construction technicians and civil engineers. The main innovations lie in the comprehensive module series that trains digital technologies and construction cooperation.
The main impacts are: a) training contractors who are proficient in digital technologies and construction collaborations, b) providing a proven module for further education institutions, and c) attracting much-needed young contractors with digital skills. The result is fully transferable and will be widely implemented.

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