Our Results
The construction sector faces urgent challenges in digital transformation, cooperation, and skills development. Our project focuses on empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by providing innovative training programs and best practices. Explore the six key results below to discover how digitalization is shaping the future of construction:
Best practices digital Technologies and training
SMEs in the construction and finishing trade receive field-tested digital technologies and cooperation models to increase efficiency. Teachers and consultants receive specific training programmes and methods to impart digital skills to SMEs in a targeted manner and to promote their competitiveness.
Train the Trainer Programm
The train-the-trainer programme prepares teachers and advisors in the construction industry for digital skills and technologies. They acquire practical knowledge to support SMEs in implementing digital solutions and collaborations. The programme includes training, advice and an online platform for digitalisation in the construction industry.
Digital additional qualifications for the construction and finishing Trades
The programme teaches digital skills to apprentices and skilled workers in the construction industry to promote the use of modern technologies. It combines dual training with additional digital qualifications and offers a recognised qualification to increase the attractiveness of the training and combat the shortage of skilled workers.
Training programme on cooperation through digitalisation
The programme promotes the use of digital tools in the construction industry to optimise efficiency and costs. It offers training and coaching for construction professionals on digital models of cooperation. The target groups are architects, engineers and SME managers. The programme increases efficiency, improves quality and is widely applied regionally.
Digital training for the construction and finishing trades
The programme aims to advance digitalisation in the construction industry, particularly among SMEs in the building and finishing trades. It includes training and coaching to effectively introduce and use digital technologies. The target groups are SME owners and skilled workers. The programme promotes the industry’s efficiency gains and attractiveness through practical training and advice.
Digital entrepreneurship education
The programme offers comprehensive digital training for contractors, based on the DIG COMP framework. It includes modules for foremen, technicians and bachelor’s degree holders and teaches digital technologies and cooperation management. The programme will be integrated into existing training courses and will improve digital skills and cooperation abilities in the construction industry.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.